European Monetary Institute, October 1998

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date October 1998
ISSN 0264-7362
Content Type

The European Central Bank site includes a link to its predecessor body, the European Monetary Institute. Alternatively the EMI can be accessed directly at The EMI was a transitory body set up under the Maastricht Treaty to handle the preparations for EMU and establish a framework for the European System of Central Banks prior to the establishment of the European Central Bank. Operational since 1994, it has in effect had the task of making itself redundant and following the setting up of the ECB its work is not complete and it is in the process of liquidation. Its web site, however, still carries some useful material including information about the EMI and its role, press releases, key speeches and a range of publications. Examples of publications mounted are its annual report, the EMI's Convergence report, and various documents and reports on the stages of economic and monetary union and progress towards convergence.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions