Author (Person) | Thym, Daniel |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Publication Date | 2023 |
ISBN | 9780191915338 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Abstract:This book has been written to help readers navigate the often Byzantine European rulebook on migration at a time when it has become increasingly difficult to keep an oversight. More than three dozen directives and regulations are discussed throughout this volume, together with numerous court judgments, international treaties, reform proposals, and factual developments. Our objective is to provide readers with a mental map which empowers them to find solutions to pressing political, practical, and legal challenges. Eighteen chapters present core features of visas and border controls, asylum and legal migration, integration and return, association agreements, and international cooperation. This comprehensive assessment of ‘European migration law’ introduces beginners to the state of the art and serves as a reliable inventory for experts. Careful inspection of EU legislation and Court judgments shall be accompanied by due attention to domestic and international developments, as well as contextual factors influencing the real world of migratory movements. Table of Contents:
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Law |
Subject Tags | Asylum | Refugees, EU Law, Fundamental | Human Rights, Migration | Immigration |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |