European Distribution Law. A Commentary

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2013
ISBN 9781849461931
Content Type

This handbook covers the European law of distribution, that is, the European primary and secondary legislation, the leading decisions of the European courts and supreme courts of the European Member states, and the common principles of European or international distribution law. The national laws of distribution are covered in so far as they illustrate the implementation of European law, or when they are of outstanding importance for the distribution practice within the European Community.

The focus is on supranational EU law relevant for distribution and services, constituting the acquis communitaire in the Member States.

The book is divided into two parts:

A) General
§ Sales agency agreements
§ General good faith principles
§ Competition law
§ Unfair competition
§ Consumer protection law
§ Distribution law and labour law
§ Electronic distribution
§ Conflicts of law
§ Alternative dispute resolution
§ Aspects of taxation concerning distribution
B) Distribution Agreements in detail
§ Commercial distribution agreements
§ Distribution agreements
§ Franchise agreements
§ Financial services
§ Licence and merchandising agreements

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