Publisher | European Council |
Publication Date | 29/06/2018 |
Content Type | Overview |
Summary: Heads of State and Government met on 28-29 June 2018 for a summit of the European Council. On 29 June, EU leaders addressed Brexit (in an EU 27 format) and eurozone (Euro Summit format). The meeting focused on migration. The agenda includes the following topics: + Understanding that the European Union must take greater responsibility for its own security, followed by agreement on taking steps to strengthen European defence; + Agreement on the need to preserve and deepen the rules-based multilateral system in a context of growing trade tensions; + Understanding on the need to tackle tax avoidance, evasion and fraud; + Endorsement of the integrated country-specific recommendations, allowing the conclusion of the 2018 European Semester; + Agreement on the need to further development of the EU's research capacity through financing and cooperation with innovation and education; + Call for delivery of remaining legislative proposals which concern the Digital Single Market (DSM); + Invitation for the remaining EU institutions to review the proposals put forward by the European Commission regarding the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for 2021-2027; + Support provided to the agreement between the FYR Macedonia and Greece on the name issue; + Endorsement of conclusions on enlargement and stabilisation and association process; + Adoption of conclusions on the downing of flight MH17; + Update on the Normandy talks and Minsk agreements implementation, as well as briefing on the G7 Meeting; + Adoption of Decision on the composition of the European Parliament; + In an EU27 format, review of the state of play of Brexit negotiations and adoption of conclusions on the progress made; + In the Euro Summit format, adoption of a set of decision regarding the reform of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
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Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |