Author (Person) | Le Galès, Patrick |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Series Title | European Societies |
Publication Date | 2002 |
ISBN | 0-19-924357-3 (Hbk) / 0-19-925278-5 (Pbk) |
ISSN | 1461-6696 |
Content Type | Textbook | Monograph |
Book abstract: Urbanisation is on the increase in Europe. Between 75 and 85 per cent of individuals live in urban areas. These urban areas are in the main comprised of medium-sized cities which are the focus for part one of this work. They may well represent the formation of a new 'body politic' within nation states that will come to have increasing significance in the development of social, economic and cultural policies of the state. The second part of the book explores those changes in the state and the impact of globalisation and related issues on the organisations within cities. The role of actors in European cities and the styles of governance which are allowing cities to become collective actors are examined in the third part. This is seen as a significant change in the nature of urban governance, witnessed by the new dynamic of city mayors discussed in chapter seven. The extent to which this new style of governance will influence the future shape of institutionalised governance across Europe is examined in the conclusion, and in the view of the author the jury is still out on that one. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Geography |