Author (Corporate) | Eurojust |
Publisher | Eurojust |
Publication Date | 2017 |
ISBN | 978-92-9490-130-9 |
ISSN | 2443-6518 |
EC | QP-AA-17-001-EN-N |
Content Type | Report |
Abstract: The year 2016 has been challenging in the security context. We are facing a ‘new normal’ and are called upon to step up our activities to counter terrorism, cybercrime and serious organised crime, including illegal immigrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings. The visit of Sir Julian King, EU Commissioner for the Security Union, was a welcome opportunity to discuss Eurojust’s pivotal supporting role in the EU’s wider fight against terrorism and organised crime and its integral link in the security chain. The Council Conclusions on Eurojust’s Annual Report 2015 confirmed the needed focus and role of Eurojust in treating terrorism, illegal immigrant smuggling and cybercrime as priorities, as well as in collecting and sharing best practice to further strengthen judicial cooperation. Casework is at the core of Eurojust. Member States requested Eurojust’s assistance in 2 306 cases in 2016, representing an increase of four per cent compared to 2015. Judicial cooperation, coordination and the exchange of information between Eurojust, national competent authorities, JHA agencies and third States are the fundamental elements in Eurojust’s work. This report illustrates the lifecycle of a case, the effectiveness of Eurojust’s coordination tools with a focus on level II meetings, and the increasing use of joint investigation teams.
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Politics and International Relations |