Author (Corporate) | Eurojust |
Publisher | Eurojust |
Publication Date | 2013 |
ISBN | 978-92-95084-29-2 |
ISSN | 1831-4279 |
EC | QP-AA-13-001-EN-C |
Content Type | Report |
Abstract: Eurojust’s work priorities for 2012, adopted in line with the Council’s conclusions on setting the EU’s priorities in the fight against organised crime, are terrorism, drug trafficking, trafficking in human beings, fraud, corruption, cybercrime (including child sexual abuse images), money laundering, organised crime (including (mobile) organised crime groups), illegal immigration, and criminal offences affecting the EU’s financial interests (so-called PIF offences). Eurojust’s operational casework in these areas, including obstacles and identified best practice, and its strategic initiatives and contributions, are detailed below. In 2012, Eurojust assisted the Member States in 1 533 registered cases, a 6.4% increase over 2011, with approximately 20% involving three or more countries and 78% involving the above-mentioned EU priority crimes. The remainder of cases included mostly crimes other than those referred to in Article 4(1) of the Eurojust Decision and for which the Member States’ competent authorities requested Eurojust’s assistance (Article 4.2 Eurojust Decision), followed by crimes against life, limb or personal freedom. Detailed figures regarding casework and Member States’ involvement are provided in the Annex.
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Politics and International Relations |