Author (Corporate) | Eurojust |
Publisher | Eurojust |
Publication Date | January 2010 |
Content Type | Report |
Abstract: 2009 brought important changes to the environment in which Eurojust operates. The Lisbon Treaty entered into force, the Stockholm Programme was adopted and a new Eurojust Decision was published. Work continued to ensure that Eurojust meet the challenges of this new environment, including the possibility of establishing a European Public Prosecutor’s Office from Eurojust. Changes designed for operational effectiveness marked the year. In particular, the new Eurojust Decision gives a central place to strengthening our casework capacities. The Decision makes new powers available to Eurojust; information flows and co-ordination with national authorities are facilitated; the 24/7 nature of Eurojust’s work is put on a formal basis; and Eurojust will host the Secretariat of the Network for Joint Investigation Teams and other network secretariats. The operational emphasis was accompanied, as in previous years, by a substantial increase in the number of cases that Member States referred to Eurojust. There was a 15 per cent rise in caseload compared to the preceding year, with almost 1,400 new cases registered on Eurojust’s Case Management System. Co-operation beyond the immediate boundaries of the European Union was strengthened by the appointment of a liaison prosecutor from Croatia to join colleagues from Norway and the USA. Eurojust continued to seek ways to improve the management of its work. An Organisational Structure Review was started to see how Eurojust could function more efficiently. On the domestic front, negotiations continued about new premises, which would allow us to work in one building rather than two as at present. In May 2009, a new Administrative Director, Hans Jahreiss, was appointed. In December, José Luís Lopes da Mota, then President and long-serving National Member for Portugal, resigned. Elections for a new President were held in February 2010. Following a Council recommendation, this year’s Annual Report focuses on Eurojust’s operational work in the light of EU priorities regarding the fight against serious and organised crime. On the basis of work undertaken in 2009, Eurojust is confident that it can maintain and improve its contribution to meeting those priorities.
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Politics and International Relations |