Author (Corporate) | Eurojust |
Publisher | Eurojust |
Publication Date | January 2009 |
Content Type | Report |
Abstract: Eurojust again made progress in its operational work and has reinforced its capacity to improve cooperation and stimulate coordination between the competent national authorities when dealing with serious cross-border crime. Eurojust has further developed its relations with national authorities and third States and has enhanced its cooperation with other European Union bodies, particularly Europol and OLAF. I am delighted to report that during 2008 the number of cases referred to the College of Eurojust increased by 10% compared to 2007, reaching in total 1 193 cases. The assessment exercise carried out after Eurojust’s first five years of existence, the Communication of the Commission on the Future of Eurojust and the European Judicial Network, and the other related activities, which Eurojust detailed in its previous annual report, resulted at the beginning of 2008 in an initiative of fourteen Member States submitting a legislative proposal on the strengthening of Eurojust. A significant date was 16 December 2008, when the Council of Ministers adopted the new Council Decision on the Strengthening of Eurojust, amending the Decision of 28 February 2002 setting up Eurojust. The aim of the new Decision is to render Eurojust more effective. Its main objectives are the creation of a common basis of National Members’ powers, the setting up of an emergency coordination mechanism, the improvement of exchange of information through Eurojust, the strengthening of cooperation between the National Members and the contact points of the European Judicial Network and the strengthening of cooperation with third States and other EU bodies and networks.
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Politics and International Relations |