Author (Corporate) | Eurojust |
Publisher | Eurojust |
Publication Date | January 2006 |
Content Type | Report |
Abstract: In the Annual Report for 2004 I suggested that Eurojust had completed the first phase of its establishment. December 2005 saw the third anniversary of Eurojust’s presence in The Hague. I can say with confidence that Eurojust has now made a series of advances which will lead to it becoming firmly established as a respected organisation assisting the national investigating and prosecuting authorities. These advances relate internally to the development of our infrastructure and continually increasing caseload, and externally to the strengthening of relationships with European Union organisations and the completion of formal co-operation agreements with three non-EU states. It is especially pleasing to confirm that our core business, our caseload, is continuing to grow rapidly. In 2005 the number of cases referred to the College rose by more than 54% over the figure for 2004. This was a very significant increase. I feel the growth in cases reflects the increased confidence which the national investigating and prosecuting authorities have in Eurojust’s capacity to add value to their work and an increased willingness in the EU states to engage with Eurojust and with each other to tackle cross-border crime. The increase in 2005 continues the very positive trend which saw a 27% increase in 2004 over the cases referred in 2003 and a 50% increase in 2003 over 2002.
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs, Politics and International Relations |