Eurocrats face trial by trivia

Series Title
Series Details 30/11/95, Volume 1, Number 11
Publication Date 30/11/1995
Content Type

Date: 30/11/1995

The Economic and Social Committee may be the poor relation amongst EU institutions, but it boasts some of the brainiest Eurocrats - at least when it comes to trivia.

Last year, an ESC team trounced all-comers in the annual charity quiz to raise money for the Children in Need appeal. This year, it tied first with eggheads from DGIA (external relations) - but dropped to second place after a tie-break. End result: DGI 39, EcoSoc 36, with the UK Permanent Representation sharing third place with a group of journalists on 33 points.

More than 50 teams of hacks, civil servants, lawyers and consultants found all the Euro-knowledge in the world wasn't much help in trying to recall Bob Dylan's real name or the nationality of the airline designated by the letters FU. This year's wooden spoon went to European Strategy, who came in 54th. Perhaps next year's strategy, ES, should be to stay at home.

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