Author (Person) | Volkery, Carsten |
Series Title | Spiegel Online International |
Series Details | 13.3.12 |
Publication Date | 13/03/2012 |
Content Type | News |
European finance ministers discussed the proposed EU financial transaction tax on the 13 March 2012, but Member States were divided on the issue. Not even Germany and France's plan B, to only introduce the tax in the euro zone, had much chance of success. Key euro-zone members such as Luxembourg, Ireland and the Netherlands were afraid of losing out, while countries such as the United Kingdom and Sweden were opposed unless a form of FTT could be introduced globally. The FT reported on the 14 March 2012 that a Europe-wide stamp duty on share transactions emerged as a potential compromise proposalas a way of sidestepping the deadlock over the plans for a financial transaction tax. |
Source Link | Link to Main Source,1518,820965,00.html |
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Subject Categories | Taxation |
Countries / Regions | Europe, France, Germany, United Kingdom |