Euro group stands ready to help Greece

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 16.3.10
Publication Date 16/03/2010
Content Type

Report of meeting of the Finance Ministers of the Eurogroup, Brussels, 15 March 2010. The Eurozone governments declared after the meeting that they stood ready to help Greece tackle its debt crisis by establishing an emergency financial support facility for the first time since the euro’s creation in 1999.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Eurozone to agree Greek safety net
BBC News, 16.3.10: European finance minister agree Greece rescue plan
Deutsche Welle, 16.3.10: Euro zone thrashes out details of last resort rescue plan for Greece,,5358342,00.html
France24, 16.3.10: Eurozone finance ministers agree to Greece rescue plan
EurActiv, 16.3.10: Eurozone ministers sketch Greek bailout plan
European Commission: DG Economic and Financial Affairs: March 2010 Report to the implementation of the Hellenic Stability and Growth Programme and Additional Measures in response to Council Decision 6147/10, March 2010
Spain: EU Presidency: Press Release, 15.3.10: Spanish minister says that mechanism for helping Greece is 'very advanced'
Spain: EU Presidency: Press Release, 16.3.10: Euro Group clarifies the technical methods for helping Greece if necessary
Spiegel Online International, 16.3.10: Euro Zone Plays for Time on Aid for Greece,1518,683757,00.html
Kathimerini, 16.3.10: Athens awaits EU verdict on aid

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