EU SatCen Annual Report 2013

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-92-95034-06-8
Content Type

The year 2013 was a year of multiple extraordinary achievements for the European Union Satellite Centre in its support to the external action of the EU and the visibility of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy. After many years of geospatial intelligence production under the operational direction of the High Representative and political control of Member States for our core EU customers, primarily the EU Military Staff, the Intelligence Analysis Centre (IntCen), EU missions and operations, and Member States, the EU SatCen was tasked to support, in near-real time, a complex and demanding United Nations mission as well as a UN-OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) joint mission.

In achievement of the stated objectives, SatCen was making the best use of all the advances in getting privileged access to space-based data, having in house first-class analytical capability and being able to work with responsiveness and customer orientation as a fully operational and dependable GeoInt institution. And of course making sure that our key asset, the SatCen personnel, can put our corporate values – Team spirit, Commitment, Proactivity and Excellence – into full operational use.

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