EU reaches deal to cut automotive carbon emissions

Series Title
Series Details 25.06.13
Publication Date 25/06/2013
Content Type

EurActiv reported on the 25 June 2013 that the European Union has agreed a compromise deal to enforce stricter rules on carbon dioxide emissions for all new EU automobiles from 2020.

However, EU sources said on the day after that Germany was working to derail this compromise. Diplomats said to EurActiv that German diktats to the Irish EU presidency were responsible for freezing a hard-fought deal to cap emissions from Europe’s cars by 2020, which was set to be rubber-stamped at the European summit.

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Related Links
EurActiv, 27.06.13: Merkel seeks to derail EU compromise deal on car emissions
EurActiv, 28.06.13: Diplomat: Germany ‘dictated’ delay to CO2 in cars deal
ESO: Background Information: European Council, Brussels - 27/28 June 2013
Spiegel Online International, 27.06.13: Car Clash: Germany Blocks CO2 Reduction Deal

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