Author (Person) | Tait, Nikki |
Series Title | Financial Times |
Series Details | 20.4.11 |
Publication Date | 20/04/2011 |
Content Type | News |
The 'six-pack' set of laws proposed by the European Commission in September 2010 revamping economic governance in the EU was backed by the European Parliament's Economics and Monetary Affairs Committee on the 19 April 2011. A stronger policing role for the Europeam Commission, more transparent decision-making transparency, new sanctions, and restricting EU Member States' political wiggle room without choking off economically-beneficial spending are the key issues which MEPs will put to the EP-Council negotiations, which will start immediately. [Note that these proposals are separate to the Pact for the Euro proposals relating also to European economic governance discussed by eurozone governments in the spring of 2011] |
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Subject Categories | Economic and Financial Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |