Author (Person) | Thomson, Ian |
Publisher | Chadwyck-Healey Ltd |
Series Title | European Access |
Series Details | No.5 October |
Publication Date | October 1998 |
ISSN | 0264-7362 |
Content Type | Overview |
Over the last ten years we have published a number of 'Bibliographic reviews' and 'Bibliographic snapshots' on the EU Institutions and EU institutional developments in European Access: Towards European Union: developments in the 1980s, Part 1: No.2, 1990, p33-42; Part 2: No.3, 1990, p37-41 Maastricht, No.3, 1992, p11-13 European Union update, No.6, 1994, p35-45 Legislative and judicial information sources of the European Union, No.3, June 1998, p33-35 The European Parliament, No.3, 1989, p41-47 The European Commission, No.4, 1990, p36-44 The Council of the European Communities, No.2, 1991, p39-47 The European Court of Justice, No.2, 1992, p33 In addition, since 1994 the February issue of European Access each year has included a 'Bibliographic snapshot' of the European Union of the previous year, including institutional developments: The European Community/Union in 1993 Section A Towards European Union, No.1, February 1994, p41-42 The European Union in 1994 Section B Governance and institutional developments, No.1, February 1995, p41-43 The European Union in 1995 Section B Governance and institutional developments, No.1, February 1996, p36-39 The European Union in 1996 Section B Governance and institutional developments, No.1, February 1997, p32-35 The European Union in 1997 Section B Governance and institutional developments, No.1, February 1998, p31-35 In this issue of European Access and the next (No.6, December 1998) we publish a 'Bibliographicsnapshot' highlighting the major institutional changes of the 1990s in the EU. The bibliography is divided into the following sections: Part 1 (below): Part 2 (European Access, No.6, December 1998): Only the latest editions of regularly updated sources are cited. For details of sources which regularly describe and report on the activities of the EU Institutions see the annual review of the European Union in the first issue of European Access for each year. A number of the information sources listed below are also available on the Internet. They are indicated as (+ web). The addresses (urls) for individual EU Institutions on the web and other key web sites are noted below. To find specific information sources noted below as (+ web) go to the homepage of the appropriate EU Institution and use the search engine. A General: The Commission's General Report on the Activities of the European Union has various chapters covering institutional matters in each volume. Note also that the annual review published as a special issue of Journal of Common Market Studies each year has a chapter called 'Governance and institutional developments'. Primary legislation 1. European Communities European Union - Selected instruments taken from the Treaties, 1995 ed. - Book I - Volume I 2. European Communities European Union - Selected instruments taken from the Treaties, 1995 ed. - Book I - Volume II 3. European Communities Documents concerning the accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union, 1995 ed. - Book II - Volume II 4. Council of Ministers 95/1/EC, Euratom, ECSC: Decision of the Council of the European Union of 1.1.95 adjusting the instruments concerning the accession of new Member States to the European Union (+ Annex) Official Journal L1, 1.1.95, p1-219 5. Watson, Rory Milestone on the road from Rome European Voice, Vol.3, No.11, 20.3.97, p11 Notes: Features on the fortieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. Related publications: European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2209, 22.3.97, Section I, p7; Financial Times, 25.3.97, p3; The Independent, 25.3.97, p13; Financial Times, 26.3.97, p2; The Economist, No.8010, 29.3.97, p47 Treaty on European Union, 1992 ('Maastricht') 6. Council of Ministers/European Commission Treaty on European Union EC, 1992 Related publications: Official Journal C191, 29.7.92, p1-112; Cm 1934 (HMSO, 1992 ISBN: 0-10-119342-4); Cm 3151 (HMSO, 1996 ISBN: 0-10-131512-0); International Legal Materials, Vol.31, No.2, March 1992, p573-792; Common Market Law Reports, Vol.63, No.11, March 1992, p573-792; (+ web) 7. European Communities Treaty on European Union, together with the complete text of the Treaty establishing the European Community Official Journal C224, 31.8.92, p1-130 Notes: Consolidated text. 8. Information concerning the date of the entry into force of the Treaty on European Union signed at Maastricht on 7.2.92 Official Journal L293, 27.11.93, p61 9. Implementation of the Treaty on European Union. EC Council Presidency Report adopted by the General Affairs Council, 26.10.93, and submitted to the European Council, 29.10.93 European Report (Europe Information Service), No.1898, 30.10.93, Document Supplement Notes: This report was not formally published by the EC. 10. European Commission List of proposals pending before the Council on 31.10.93 for which entry into force of the Treaty on European Union will require a change in the legal base and/or a change in procedure 11. Dehousse, Renaud/ Majone, Giandomenico The institutional dynamics of European integration: from the Single Act to the Maastricht Treaty in The construction of Europe, p91-112 12. Raworth, Philip A timid step forwards: Maastricht and the democratisation of the European Community European Law Review, Vol.19, No.1, 13. Piris, Jean-Claude After Maastricht, are the Community institutions more efficacious, more democratic and more transparent? European Law Review, Vol.19, No.5, October 1994, p449-87 14. Wincott, Daniel Is the Treaty of Maastricht an adequate 'Constitution' for the European Union? Public Administration, Vol.72, No.4, 15. European Parliament Resolution on a multi-speed Europe Official Journal C305, 31.10.94, p52-3 For further information sources on the Treaty on European Union see 'European Union update' in European Access, No.6, December 1994, p35-39. The Intergovernmental Conference 1996-97 Most of the information sources listed below are accessible on the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference retrospective database on the Internet: 16. Council of Ministers Report of the Council on the functioning of the Treaty on European Union 17. European Commission Intergovernmental Conference 1996 - Commission report for the Reflection Group Related publications: SEC (95)731 final (10.5.95); Press Release (European Commission), IP/95/465 (10.5.95); The Courier, No.152, July-August 1995, p56-60 18. Court of Justice, Information Service Report of the Court of Justice on certain aspects of the application of the Treaty on European Union: Contribution of the Court of First Instance for the purposes of the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference Proceedings of the Court of Justice and Court of First Instance..., No.15, 1995 19. Committee of the Regions Institutional reform 20. European Commission, Spokesman's Service Reflection Group's Report (Messina, 2.6.95, Brussels, 5.12.95) Document, No.8, 1995 (5.12.95) Related publications: Press Release (European Commission), IP/95/1352 (6.12.95) + numerous newspaper articles; European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2065, 9.9.95, Document Supplement (Progress Report of the Reflection Group) 21. European Parliament Resolution on the functioning of the Treaty on European Union with a view to the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference - Implementation and development of the Union Official Journal C151, 19.6.95, p56-67 Related publications: European Parliament Session Document Series A. Committee Reports of the European Parliament A4-102/95; Frontier-Free Europe, No.9, November-December 1994, p1 22. Council of Ministers, General Secretariat 1996 Intergovernmental Conference (IGC'96). Reflection Group Report and other references for documentary purposes Related publications: Cm 2866 (HMSO, 1995 ISBN: 0-10-128662-7) 23. European Commission, DG X Commission Opinion: Reinforcing political union and preparing for enlargement Related publications: COM (96)90 final (28.2.96); Bulletin of the European Union, No.1-2, 1996, p149-57; Press Release (European Commission), IP/96/179 (28.2.96); Speech (European Commission), No.53, 1996 (28.2.96); The Courier, No.157, May-June 1996, p37-9 24. European Commission, Spokesman's Service Turin European Council, 29.3.96 - Presidency Conclusions Document, No.2, 1996 (29.3.96) Notes: Formal launch of the Intergovernmental Conference. Related publications: Speech (European Commission), No.77, 1996 (29.3.96); Europe (European Commission, Washington Office),No.354, March 1996, p22-4 25. European Parliament Resolution ... on the Florence European Council and the Intergovernmental Conference Official Journal C198, 8.7.96, p76-9 Related publications: Official Journal C117, 22.4.96, p16; European Parliament Session Document Series A. Committee Reports of the European Parliament A4-60/96; European Parliament Session Document Series A. Committee Reports of the European Parliament A4-68/96; Bulletin of the European Union, No.3, 1996, p120-8 26. Economic and Social Committee Opinion: The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference: the role of the Economic and Social Committee Official Journal C39, 12.2.96, p85-91 Related publications: Official Journal C100, 2.4.96, p1-12 27. Committee of the Regions Opinion on the revision of the Treaty on European Union and of the Treaty establishing the European Community Official Journal C100, 2.4.96, p1-12 28. European Commission, Spokesman's Service Commission adopts report on Codecision for IGC Press Release, IP/96/579 (3.7.96) 29. European Parliament Resolution on the general outline for a draft revision of the Treaties Official Journal C33, 3.2.97, p66-73 (+ web) Related publications: Official Journal C115, 14.4.97, p165-8 (+ web) 30. European Parliament Resolution: Progress of the Intergovernmental Conference Official Journal C115, 14.4.97, p165-8 (+ web) 31. Council of Ministers, General Secretariat Intergovernmental Conference on the revision of the Treaties. Italian Presidency (January-June 1996). Collected texts 32. Council of Ministers, General Secretariat Intergovernmental Conference on the revision of the Treaties. Irish Presidency (July-December 1996). Collected texts 33. European Commission Papers of the Symposium of Jean Monnet Chairs on the 1996 34. European Commission, London Office The Member States of the European Union and the Inter-Governmental Conference Briefing Paper Related publications: Background Report (European Commission, London Office), B/9/95 (9.95); Background Report (European Commission, London Office), B/2/97 (+ web); European Dialogue, Vol.1, No.4, September-October 1995, p17-19 35. House of Commons, Select Committee on European Legislation The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference... Response of the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (24th Report (1994-95)) Cm 3051 36. House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee Government response to the Third Report from the Committee (1994-95). European Union: Preparations for the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference 1st Special Report (1994-95) HC 818 37. House of Commons, Treasury Committee The 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference 2nd Report (1995-96)HC 107 38. House of Lords, Select Committee on the European Communities 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference Report 21st Report (1994-95)HL 105 Notes: The minutes of evidence were published as the 18th Report (1994-95)HL88. 39. House of Commons, Select Committee on European Legislation The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference. Minutes of evidence. HC Paper (1995-96)226-I 40. House of Commons, European Standing Committee B Reports on the functioning of the Treaty on European Union 41. Davidson, Ian Towards 1996: The making or breaking of Europe The Independent, 9.12.94, p19 Related publications: Financial Times, 30.11.94, p2, 14; The Guardian, 1.12.94, p22; The Economist, No.7898, 21.1.95, p17(editorial) 42. Towards 1996 European Law Review, Vol.19, No.5, October 1994, p447-8 43. Crossick, Stanley The challenge of 1996 Kangaroo Group Newsletter, No.3, 44. Lamassoure, Alain A Brussels board of directors European Brief, Vol.2, No.3, December 1994, p23-4 45. Hänsch, Klaus The Europe I want to see in 1996 European Brief, Vol.2, No.6, March-April 1995, p31-2 46. Holm, Erik Europe, a political culture. Fundamental issues for the 1996 IGC European Programme 47. Ludlow, Peter Preparing for 1996 and a larger European Union. Principles and priorities CEPS Special Report, No.6 48. Vibert, Frank A core agenda for the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference (IGC) 49. Lodge, Juliet Crisis or opportunity? Institutional affairs Discussion Papers of the Jean Monnet Group of Experts, No.3 50. EIS Preparations for the 1996 Inter-Governmental Conference European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2050, 17.6.95, Document Supplement Related publications: Numerous newspaper articles in June 1995. 51. Nugent, Neill Deepening, widening and the prospect of a multi-speed Europe European Access, No.3, June 1995, p7-9 52. Hoyer, Werner The shape of the Union after 1996 European Brief, Vol.2, No.7, June 1995, p5-8 53. Weidenfeld, Werner (ed.) Europe '96. Reforming the European Union Strategies for Europe 54. Bradshaw, Jenny 1996 and all that: making Europe work European Trends, No.3, 1995, p58-71 55. The Intergovernmental Conference of the European Union 1996 Federal Trust Papers 56. Preparing for the 1996 IGC European Focus (KPMG), July 1995, p5-8 57. Beyond Maastricht. The issues at stake in the 1996 IGC The Philip Morris Institute for Public Policy Research, 1995 58. Crouch, Colin/ Marquand, David (eds) Europe before the IGC Political Quarterly, Vol.66, No.1, January 1995, p1-97 59. Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich Proposals for a new constitution for the European Union: Building blocks for a constitutional theory and constitutional law of the EU Common Market Law Review, Vol.32, No.5, October 1995, p1123-75 60. Lipsius, Justus (pseudonym) The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference European Law Review, Vol.20, No.3, June 1995, p235-67 61. Biedenkopf, Kurt H. Rethinking the European Union I - a perspective The World Today, Vol.51, No.7, July 1995, p130-3 Related publications: European Brief, Vol.2, No.8, July-August 1995, p52-3 62. Petersen, John Decision-making in the European Union: towards a framework for analysis Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.2, No.1, March 1995, p69-93 63. Hayward, Jack (ed.) Special issue: The crisis of representation in Europe West European Politics, Vol.18, No.3, July 1995, p1-217 64. Nugent, Neill Redefining Europe Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.33, Annual Review, August 1995, p1-16 65. Weidenfeld, Werner The dangers of just another Maastricht European Brief, Vol.3, No.1, October 1995, p6-8 66. Ashdown, Paddy (et al.) How can the EU's voters have their say? Discussion Paper, No.8 67. Pappas, Spyros A legal escape to a political impasse. Agenda IGC 1996 EIPASCOPE, No.3, 1995, p14-15 68. Church, Clive H./ Yates, Lisa Getting the packaging right: an underestimated aspect of the 1996 IGC European Access, No.6, December 1995, p7-9 69. Dewatripont, Mathias Flexible integration Monitoring European Integration, No.6 70. European Trade Union Institute The future of the European Union. The trade unions' demands and expectations for the Intergovernmental Conference 1996 ETUI, 1996 71. European Movement, Initiative Committee with a View to the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference For an efficient and democratic European Union 72. Leonardi, Robert Five points for the EU's score card Parliamentary Brief, Vol.4, No.4, January 1996, p26-7 73. Westlake, Martin Second thoughts about a Second Chamber European Brief, Vol.3, No.2, February 1996, p12-14 74. Hughes, Kirsty The 1996 intergovernmental conference and EU enlargement International Affairs, Vol.72, No.1, January 1996, p1-8 75. Hennes, Michael The Reflection Group of the European Union Aussenpolitik, Vol.47, No.1, 1996, p33-42 76. Andreatta, Beniamino (et al.) In a larger EU, can all Member States be equal? Discussion Paper, No.9 77. Wolf, Martin No clarity of purpose Financial Times, 30.1.96, p16 Related publications: The Independent, 18.3.96, p13 78. Nentwich, Michael/ Falkner, Gerda Intergovernmental Conference 1996: Which Constitution for the Union? European Law Journal, Vol.2, No.1, March 1996, p83-102 79. Lodge, Juliet Making the EU good enough for the people Parliamentary Brief, Vol.4, No.5, March 1996, p13-16 80. Dashwood, Alan (ed.) Reviewing Maastricht. Issues for the 1996 IGC 81. Bonvicini, Gianni (et al.) On the revision of Maastricht: a common report International Spectator, Vol.31, No.1, January-March 1996, p3-12 82. Watson, Rory Still more questions than answers European Voice, Vol.2, No.37, 10.10.96, p11 83. Winter, Jan A (ed., et al.) Reforming the Treaty on European Union - the legal debate 84. Marks, Gary (et al.) European integration from the 1980s: State-centric v. Multi-level governance Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.34, No.3, September 1996, p341-78 85. Münch, Richard Between nation-state, regionalism and world society: the European integration process Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.34, No.3, September 1996, p379-401 86. Nugent, Neill Building Europe - a need for more leadership? Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.34, Annual Review, August 1996, p1-13 87. EIS Dutch Presidency Addendum to the draft Revision of the Treaty on European Union European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2210, 26.3.97, Document Supplement 88. House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee Special European Council, Turin, 29.3.96, and the Intergovernmental Conference. Minutes of evidence (18.3.96) HC Paper (1995-96) 306-I 89. JUSTICE The democratic deficit. Democratic accountability and the European Union Human Rights and the 1996-97 Intergovernmental Conference 90. Von Bogdandy, A./ Ehlerman, C.D. Consolidation of the European Treaties - Feasibility, costs and benefits Common Market Law Review, Vol.33, No.6, 1996, p1107-16 91. Does Europe need a constitution? Discussion Paper, No.10 92. Brok, E. Guest editorial: Intergovernmental Conference 1996: Not a 'Maastricht II' Common Market Law Review, Vol.34, No.1, February 1997, p1-9 93. Stubb, Alexander C-G. The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference and the management of flexible integration Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.4, No.1, 1997, p37-55 94. Stubb, Alexander C-G. (et al.) The 1996 IGC - National debates (1) Finland, France, Italy and the Netherlands Discussion Paper, No.66 95. Janning, Josef (et al.) The 1996 IGC - National debates (2) Germany, Spain, Sweden and the UK Discussion Paper, No.67 96. Duff, Andrew Reforming the European Union Federal Trust, 1997 97. Political Union and the IGC Irish Centre for European Law, 1997 ISBN: 1-897606-11-7 98. Vaubel, Roland The constitutional reform of the European Union European Economic Review, Vol.41, No.3-5, April 1997, p443-50 The Amsterdam Treaty, 1997 99. European Commission, Spokesman's Service European Council, Amsterdam, 16-17.6.97 Document, No.2, 1997(18.6.97)(+ web) Related publications: European Voice, Vol.3, No.23, 12.6.97, p1, 18-19(preview); European Voice, Vol.3, No.24, 19.6.97, p4-5, 13(editorial); Financial Times, 19.6.97, p2, 27(editorial); Financial Times, 20.6.97, p16(editorial); European Voice, Vol.3, No.25, 26.6.97, p1, 2, 11(editorial), 13-20(survey) + numerous newspaper articles during the period 16-20.6.97. 100. Council of Ministers Intergovernmental Conference. Amsterdam European Council. Draft Treaty 101. Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union establishing the European Communities and certain related acts, signed at Amsterdam on 2.10.97 Official Journal C340, 10.11.97, p1-313 (+ web) Notes: Includes texts of consolidated versions of Treaty on European Union and Treaty establishing the European Community. 102. European Union Treaty of Amsterdam 103. European Union Consolidated versions of the Treaty on European Union and The Treaty establishing the European 104. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Treaty of Amsterdam... Cm 3780 105. Council of Ministers, General Secretariat Simplification of the Community Treaties. Explanatory report Related publications: Official Journal C353, 20.11.97, p1-19 106. Council of Ministers, General Secretariat The Treaty of Amsterdam. Challenges and solutions Notes: Introductory booklet. Related publications: Frontier-Free Europe, No.7-8, July-August 1997, p1 + i-ii; European Dialogue, No.5, September-October 1997, p2-5 (+ web) 107. European Commission, London Office The Treaty on European Union - The meaning of Amsterdam Factsheet Notes: Introductory booklet. 108. European Parliament Resolution on the Amsterdam Treaty Official Journal C371, 8.12.97, p99-104 (+ web) 109. Committee of the Regions Opinion: Outcome of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) Official Journal C64, 27.2.98, p98-100 110. European Parliament, DG IV Certain rectangular problems of European integration. Volume 1: The four principal proposals, the executive summary and the study Working Paper: Political Series W-24 (January 1997) 111. European Parliament, DG IV Ratification conditions applying to the Amsterdam Treaty Working Papers: Political Series, No.30 (October 1997) 112. House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee The Treaty of Amsterdam 1st Report (1997-98)HC 305 113. House of Commons, Select Committee on the European Communities 3rd Report (1997-98)HL 17 114. House of Lords, Select Committee on the European Communities Evidence by the Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on the Amsterdam Treaty 9th Report (1997-98)HL 40 115. Duff, Andrew (ed.) The Treaty of Amsterdam. Text and commentary 116. The new Treaty on European Union: a first assessment EIPASCOPE, No.2, 1997, p2-11 117. Nentwich, Michael/ Falkner, Gerda The Treaty of Amsterdam: Towards a new institutional balance European Integration Online Papers (EIOP), Vol.1 (1997), No.15 Notes: Web source: 118. Making sense of the Amsterdam Treaty Challenge Europe 119. Watson, Rory Days of Union treaty texts may be numbered European Voice, Vol.3, No.29, 24.7.97, p6 120. Watson, Rory Treaty signing will be a low-key affair European Voice, Vol.3, No.34, 25.9.97, p3 Notes: The Treaty of Amsterdam was signed officially on 2.10.97. Related publications: Press Release (Council of Ministers), PRES/97/285 (2.10.97); Speech (European Commission), No.200, 1997(2.10.97)+numerousnewspaper articles on 2-3.10.97; European Voice, Vol.3, No.32, 11.9.97, p2 121. Watson, Rory Treaty shows EU's ability to move forward / An up and down year for institutions European Voice, Vol.3, No.46, 18.12.97, p14 122. The Treaty of Amsterdam The European Journal, Vol.5, No.1, September-October 1997, p3-31 Notes: A series of ten features on aspects of the Treaty of Amsterdam, written from a Eurosceptic perspective. Related publications: The European Journal, Vol.4, No.9, June 1997, p3-4 123. The Treaty of Amsterdam: Neither a bang nor a whimper Common Market Law Review, Vol.34, No.4, August 1997, p767-72(editorial) 124. The Treaty of Amsterdam: key issues on ratification JUSTICE, 1998 125. Ratification of the Amsterdam Treaty in the EU Member States Statewatch, Vol.8, No.1, January-February 1998, p23 Related publications: European Voice, Vol.4, No.9, 5.3.98, p6; European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2289, 7.2.98, Section I, p1-2; European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2339, 5.9.98, Section I, p1 126. Langrish, Sally The Treaty of Amsterdam: selected highlights European Law Review, Vol.23, No.1, February 1998, p3-19 127. Shaw, Jo The Treaty of Amsterdam: challenges of flexibility and legitimacy European Law Journal, Vol.4, No.1, March 1998, p63-86 128. Verhoeven, Amaryllis How democratic need European Union members be? Some thoughts after Amsterdam European Law Review, Vol.23, No.3, June 1998, p217-34 129. Neuwahl, Nanette A.E.M. A partner with a troubled personality: EU Treaty-making in matters of CFSP and JHA after Amsterdam European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.3, No.2, Summer 1998, p177-95 130. The Schengen acquis fiasco Statewatch, Vol.8, No.3-4, May-August 1998, p28-9 The future 131. Klau, Thomas The many guises of democracy European Voice, Vol.3, No.41, 13.11.97, p20 Notes: Do the EU's present constitutional arrangements provide, in terms of democratic standards, an acceptable institutional mechanism to define the key politics of European countries? 132. Westlake, Martin (ed.) The European Union beyond Amsterdam. New concepts of European integration Notes: Including contributions from Martin Westlake, Wolfgang Wessels, John 133. Forsyth, Frederick European Essay: The choice: nation state or superstate? The European, 26.1.98, p54-5 Related publications: The European, 2.2.98, p30 (reply by Jack Lang) 134. Sutherland, Peter Meeting global challenges with radical solutions European Voice, Vol.4, No.7, 19.2.98, p14 135. Hix, Simon The study of the European Union II: the 'new governance' agenda and its rival Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.5, No.1, 1998, p38-65 136. Barber, Lionel In the beginning... Financial Times, 1.5.98, p21 Notes: Will monetary union lead to political union? 137. Buchan, David Chirac likely to suggest Delors heads study Financial Times, 6.5.98, p2 Related publications: European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2313, 6.5.98, Section I, p5; European Report (Europe Information Service) No.2314, 9.5.98, Section I, p5; Financial Times, 13.5.98, p24(commentary); European Voice, Vol.4, No.19, 14.5.98, p8(interview with Jacques Delors), 13(editorial); Financial Times, 20.5.98, p2 138. Watson, Rory Federalists to call for treaty overhaul European Voice, Vol.4, No.18, 7.5.98, p10 Notes: Report of the European Movement's Congress of Europe, The Hague, 8-10.5.98. 139. MEPs support new strategy for fast-track institutional reform European Voice, Vol.4, No.20, 20.5.98, p10 140. Barber, Lionel France, Germany move to shape EU Financial Times, 9.6.98, p2 Related publications: The Guardian, 9.6.98, p7; European Report (Europe Information Service), No.2322, 10.6.98, Section I, p2; The Independent, 10.6.98, p1, 16; The European, 15.6.98, p5(editorial); The Guardian, 17.6.98, p13(analysis); European Voice, Vol.4, No.24, 18.6.98, p11; The European, 22.6.98, p5 (editorial) 141. Barber, Lionel/ Buckley, Neil UK seeks to lead reform of EU Financial Times, 13.6.98, p1 Related publications: The Independent on Sunday, 14.6.98, p4(Section 2, editorial); Financial Times, 16.6.98, p26; European Voice, Vol.4, No.24, 18.6.98, p13 (editorial) 142. Barber, Lionel A punctured image Financial Times, 15.6.98, p23 Notes: Major feature. Writer discusses how the concept of Europe has changed as national governments have become more suspicious of 'Brussels'. Related publications: The European, 15.6.98, p5, 19(editorial) 143. Gallacher, Joseph Back to the future. Preparing for the next IGC European Information Service, No.190, June 1998, p8-9 144. European Commission, Spokesman's Service Shaping Europe's future Speech, No.151, 1998 (3.7.98) Notes: Text of a speech by EU Commission President Jacques Santer at the International Bertelsmann Forum, Berlin, 3.7.98. Related publications: Speech (European Commission), No.17, 1998 (29.1.98); European Voice, Vol.3, No.30, 31.7.97, p1 145. Parker, George Cook urges curbs on Brussels' power in EU Financial Times, 13.8.98, p8 Related publications: New Statesman, 14.8.98, 11; The Guardian, 13.8.98, p1,3; The Independent, 13.8.98, p5; Financial Times, 27.8.98, p7(UK edition); EIS, No.192, August 1998, p2-3 146. Moravcsik, Andrew / Nicolaïdis, Kalypso Federal ideals and constitutional realities in the Treaty of Amsterdam in The European Union 1997. Annual Review of Activities, p13-38 Journal of Common Market Studies Popular level sources Only latest editions of titles are noted below: 147. European Commission, DG X European integration. The origins and growth of the European Union European Documentation 148. European Commission, DG X The Institutions of the European Union Europe on the Move 149. European Union Serving the European Union. A citizen's guide to the institutions of the European Union 150. European Commission, DG X Working together - the Institutions of the European Community and Union Document 151. European Commission, DG X How does the European Union work?, 2nd ed. Europe on the Move 152. European Commission, DG X How the EU works: democracy and decision-making European Dialogue, March-April 1997, p11-13 (+ web) 153. Westlake, Martin A unique constitutional experiment Talking Politics, Vol.9, No.2, Winter 1996-97, p147-50 See also References 106 & 107 and Internet sources below. Textbooks and monographs 154. Lützeler, Paul Michael (ed.) Europe after Maastricht. American and European perspectives Berghahn Books, 1994 155. Curtin, Deirdre/ Heukels, Ton (eds) Institutional dynamics of European integration. Essaysin honour of Henry G Schermers. Vol II 156. Nelsen, Brent F./ Stubb, Alexander C-G.(eds) The European Union. Readings on the theory and practice of European integration 157. Bright, Christopher The EU: Understanding the Brussels process: the essential facts 158. Church, Clive/ Hendriks, Gisela Continuity and change in contemporary Europe 159. Lodge, Juliet European Union beyond Maastricht in The European Union encyclopedia and directory 1996, p159-65 Notes: See also 'The political framework of the European Union', p119-25 in same volume. 160. Swann, Dennis European economic integration. The Common Market, European Union and beyond 161. Andersen, Svein/ Eliassen, Kjell A. (eds) The European Union: How democratic is it? 162. Weatherill, Stephen Law and integration in the European Union Clarendon Law Series 163. Barbour, Philippe (ed.) The European Union handbook Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1996 ISBN: 1-884964-28-1 164. Barrass, Robert/ Madhavan, Shobhana The structure and institutions of the European Community in European economic integration and sustainable development, p48-102 165. Bideleux, Robert/ Taylor, Richard (eds) European integration and disintegration. East and West Routledge, 1996 166. Dedman, Martin J. The origins and development of the European Union, 1945-95. A history of European integration 167. Snyder, Francis (ed.) Constitutional dimension of European economic integration Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, 1996 168. O'Neill, Michael The politics of European integration. A reader 169. Jones, Robert A. The politics and economics of the European Union. Anintroductory text Edward Elgar, 1996 170. George, Stephen Politics and policy in the European Union, 3rd ed. 171. Wallace, Helen/ Wallace, William (eds) Policy-making in the European Union, 3rd ed. 172. McAllister, Richard From EC to EU. An historical and political survey 173. Salmon, Trevor/ Nicoll, Sir William (eds) Building European Union. A documentary history and analysis Manchester University Press, 1997 174. Maor, Moshe Towards Political Union: Assessing two strategies of EPU in New challenges to the European Union: policies and policy-making, p43-66 European Political Economy Ashgate, 1997 175. Henig, Stanley The uniting of Europe. From discord to concord Making of the Contemporary World 176. Moussis, Nicholas Handbook of European Union. Institutions and policies, 4th ed. European Study Service, 1997 ISBN: 2-930119-18-7 177. Thody, Philip An historical introduction to the European Union 178. Feld, Werner J. The integration of the European Union and domestic political issues Internet sources General information: Intergovernmental Conference: Retrospective database: Glossary: Reform of the European Union: Amsterdam Treaty: (under 'Treaties') Amsterdam Treaty site: Amsterdam Treaty: a comprehensive guide: For further information sources on EU governance and institutional developments see Sections 2.1 and 2.2 in 'Recent references' in each issue of European Access. Part 2 of this 'Bibliographic snapshot' appears inEuropean Access, No.6 December 1998 and covers the individual EU Institutions and aspects of policy-making. |
Subject Categories | Politics and International Relations |
Countries / Regions | Europe |