EU faces challenge over anti-Semitism

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Series Details Vol.10, No.6, 19.2.04
Publication Date 19/02/2004
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By David Cronin

Date: 19/02/04

A HIGH-level seminar on anti-Semitism kicks off in Brussels today (19 February) in the wake of bitter exchanges between leaders of the EU and of Jewish organizations concerning an alleged rise of hostility towards Jews in Europe.

Speaking exclusively to European Voice, Israel Singer, the chairman of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) said that dealing with anti-Semitism is "a tremendous test as to whether the European Commission can deal with important issues".

But although Singer agreed the gathering is an "important event", he queried its practical value in reducing discrimination against Europe's Jews.

"To assume that seminars stop anti-Semitism is a great leap," he said. "They are just one of many tools in mitigating anti-Semitism."

The meeting was called by the Commission in response to a controversial opinion poll it financed last year, which suggested Europeans regard Israel as the number-one threat to world peace.

The Eurobarometer poll was regarded in some quarters as proof of a rising sentiment of hostility towards Jews on this continent.

Singer will be among the speakers at today's seminar; others include Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel. Romano Prodi, the Commission president, briefly called off the seminar last month after the WJC accused the Commission of being guilty of anti-Semitism by publishing the poll's findings.

According to Singer, this hatred needs to be fought with a multi-pronged strategy, that involves awareness-building, cooperation between government departments and law enforcement bodies and effective monitoring. He called for a network of committees dedicated to tracking anti-Semitism and dealing with its consequences to be established between EU states.

However, he launched a blistering attack on the effectiveness of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia.

"The monitoring centre in Vienna is like an umbrella that works whenever it doesn't rain and whenever it is raining, it doesn't open," he said.

The little-known body became the target of Jewish leaders' ire late last year, when it emerged that it had decided not to publish a report which blamed attacks on synagogues in Europe on Muslim extremists.

The centre withheld publication of this paper after querying if the information contained in it gave a sufficiently comprehensive picture.

The centre's Director Beate Winkler, who is also scheduled to attend the seminar, said: "I think Mr Singer doesn't know our work.

"I am looking forward to discussing this issue with him in order to clarify the situation and end the misunderstanding.

"We have opened the umbrella here. It was our initiative to collect data [on anti-Semitism]," she added, stating the full report will be presented to the European Parliament on 31 March.

Singer voiced particular concern about the situation in France, which boasts the world's second largest Jewish community. Jewish leaders there have complained about worsening tensions between Jews and other religions, even though official figures released by the French interior ministry last month stated that the number of "serious incidents" fell from 192 in 2002 to 125 last year.

Such incidents include physical attacks against Jews and their places of worship and the desecration of graves.

"About 25% of Muslims in France are under ten," he said. "There is going to be strife. The question is can this be resolved through good mechanisms?

"Anti-Semitism, if policed effectively, can become a model for dealing with other problems."

Calling himself a "Left-wing liberal", Singer said he had no difficulty with "friends of Israel" who criticize the country's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

But he urged the Commission to issue a firm condemnation of anti-Semitism which "must unequivocally debunk the fraudulent claim that vicious invective against Jews is legitimate under the banner of criticism against Israel".

"We must recognize that much of today's Jew-hatred is the natural precipitate of a corrupt climate which, under the convenient cloud cover of the conflict in the Middle East, academics, journalists and politicians have spawned the perfect storm of bigotry."

Preview of issues to be discussed at a European Commission/ European Jewish Congress and the Congress of European Rabbis Seminar on Anti-Semitism, Brussels, 19 February 2004.

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