Author (Person) | Nielsen, Nikolaj |
Series Title | EUObserver |
Series Details | 15.05.14 |
Publication Date | 15/05/2014 |
Content Type | News |
Report of comments by Gil Aria Fernandez, deputy director at the EU’s border agency Frontex, in Brussels on 14 May 2014. He was discussing the issues relating to unauthorised crossing attempts along the EU’s external border from people outside the EU - many by crossing by sea in unsafe boats to Italy, Greece, Malta and Spain. The comments were made as Frontex published its Annual Risk Analysis 2014. Detections of illegal border crossing at the EU external borders increased sharply in 2013, rising to over 107,000 from 75,000 in 2012, with Syrians, Eritreans and Afghans being the most commonly detected nationalities. Migration towards the EU in 2013 was characterised by three main phenomena: a significant increase in the number of Syrians arriving, a steady flow of migrants departing from North Africa and heading across the Mediterranean to Italy, and a sharp increase in detections of irregular migrants on the Western Balkan route. |
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Subject Categories | Justice and Home Affairs |
Countries / Regions | Europe |