Employment in Europe – 1991

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 1991
ISBN 92-826-2916-3
EC CE-70-91-718-EN-C
Content Type ,

Extract of Foreword:

After five years of sustained employment growth and some significant reduction in the level of unemployment, unemployment has started to rise again.

Unemployment seems to have become almost endemic in our system, leaving us with over 12 million people still unemployed, even at the
peak of the economic cycle. In one sense, we know the reason — many of the jobs that have been created have been filled by new people not previously in the labour market, who have got in first before the unemployed and the long-term unemployed.


  • Summary and Conclusions
  • Part 1. Employment Prospects
    • Ch 1. Employment in the Community
    • Ch 2. Short-Term Outlook
    • Ch 3. The Complex Problem of Persistent Unemployment
  • Part 2. Employment Issues
    • Ch 4. European Integration and Regional Labour Markets
    • Ch 5. Employment in Agriculture: Decline and Diversification
    • Ch 6. Employment in Industry: a Decade of Change
  • Part 3. Employment Policies
    • Ch 7. Skill Shortages: a Growing Problem in the Community?
  • Community Action to Promote the Employment of Women
  • List of Graphs
  • Sources
Source Link https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/3c1969ea-c7e5-4cc6-8ced-212682c796cd
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International Organisations