Emerson’s bid to retire early is accepted

Series Title
Series Details 29/02/96, Volume 2, Number 09
Publication Date 29/02/1996
Content Type

Date: 29/02/1996

By Rory Watson

THE European Commission has accepted its former ambassador to Moscow's request for early retirement, but reprimanded him for not respecting strict professional ethics.

It also intends to continue its internal inquiry into allegations about Michael Emerson's outside activities before he returned to Brussels after a five-year spell in the Russian capital.

A statement issued after the Commission meeting yesterday (28 February) said: “The Commission has decided not to object to Mr Emerson's request for early retirement. Each official has this right and this cannot be refused, except for really serious reasons which would serve as grounds for disciplinary proceedings. Having examined Mr Emerson's file, the Commission has decided there are no such grounds.”

But while approving Emerson's departure after almost 23 years of senior service in the institution, the Commission delivered a clear rap over the senior British official's knuckles.

“In taking its decision, the Commission feels that contacts Mr Emerson made with a view to his future intentions of leaving the Commission are not in conformity with strict ethics. This is deplorable, but it does not justify legal proceedings against him,” said a spokesman.

He added: “There is no reason to believe that commercial, financial or any other transactions have taken place, So it is regrettable, highly regrettable, that strict professional ethics were not respected, but it is not enough to open legal proceedings.”

Emerson, a former close advisor to British politician Roy Jenkins when he was Commission president in the late Seventies, is a highly regarded economist. The former ambassador, who has indicated he is considering a new career as a consultant, remains bound by the EU's staff regulations after his departure, particularly on rules covering the confidentiality of information he handled during his Commission career.

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