EMCC dossier on the European textiles and leather sector

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 10/12/2004
Content Type

This EMCC dossier provides an in-depth analysis of the trends and forces driving change in the textiles and leather sector, using a compilation of relevant reports, company case studies and scenarios to give a comprehensive insight into an industry in transtition.

Source Link http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/emcc/articles/business-working-conditions/emcc-dossier-on-the-european-textiles-and-leather-sector
Related Links
European Commission: Enterprise and Industry DG: Policies: Industry Sectors: Textiles: Documents: Miscellaneous: Study on the implications of the 2005 trade liberalisation in the textile and clothing sector, February 2004 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/enterprise/textile/documents/ifm_final_report_2005.pdf
European Commission: Enterprise and Industry DG: Policies: Industry sectors: Textiles http://ec.europa.eu/comm/enterprise/textile/index_en.htm
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: Knitting the future of the textiles and leather sector: Four scenarios, 2004 http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/sites/default/files/ef_files/emcc/publications/2004/ef0466en.pdf
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: Trends and drivers of change in the EU textiles and leather sector: Mapping report, 2004 https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/sites/default/files/ef_files/emcc/publications/2004/ef0485en.pdf

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