Election Observation Handbook, 5th ed.

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2005
ISBN 83-60190-00-3
Content Type

The conduct of a transparent and open election process in accordance with established legislation is fundamental to a democratic society. The right of political participation is important not only for the immediate election process, but also presupposes adherence to other basic human rights such as the right to freedom of expression, movement, peaceful assembly, and association.

Election observation is therefore more than just a technical exercise, as it can contribute directly to the promotion and protection of universal human rights. Elections are a celebration of fundamental human rights. Observation can prevent violations of human rights associated with the election process through the very presence and visibility of observers, as the correctness of the election process itself is assessed.

As the practice of sending election observer missions to assess elections has developed rapidly in the OSCE region, there has been a need to establish a more structured ODIHR election observation methodology. The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR's) Election Observation Handbook addresses this need by outlining the general methodology of ODIHR election observation in addition to providing a set of practical guidelines for the conduct of an election observation mission.

Source Link http://www.osce.org/odihr/elections/70293
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions