Eionet priority data flows: May 2007-April 2008

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 18/06/2008
ISBN 978-92-9167-360-5
ISSN 1830-7701
EC TH-AO-08-001-EN-N
Content Type

This is the eleventh progress report on Eionet priority data flows to the EEA Management Board. The purpose of the priority data flows report is to show progress against agreed, stable, well-defined objectives in order to allow countries to focus their resources on putting regular reporting procedures in place.

Source Link http://reports.eea.europa.eu/corporate_document_2008_2/en
Related Links
Website: European Environment Agency: European Environment Information and Observation Network: Eionet priority data flows http://www.eionet.europa.eu/dataflows

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions