Eionet priority data flows: May 2005 – April 2006

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 23/10/2006
ISBN 92-9167-884-8
EC TH-X1-06-127-EN-C
Content Type

The 32 countries who are full members of the European Environment Agency (EEA), as well as the collaborating countries, regularly supply environmental data to the Agency. The new report 'Eionet priority data flows, May 2005–April 2006' is the ninth progress report to the EEA Management Board on the workings of the system. For the first time, in October 2006, it was published in the EEA series of corporate documents. The report shows that Latvia and Austria topped the list for delivering environmental data to the European Environment Agency (EEA), followed by Sweden, Bulgaria and Slovakia. Overall performance by countries was up by 5 per cent compared to the previous reporting cycle. Many of the new EU Member States performed particularly well. Please note that the Source Url provides a link to the Eionet priority data flows website, which in turn provides a link to the above report.

Source Link http://www.eionet.europa.eu/dataflows
Related Links
European Environment Agency: About EEA: Brochures: Eionet connects http://www.eea.europa.eu/documents/eionet_connects/eionet_web-en.pdf/view

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions