ECOSOC looks for name change to raise awareness

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Series Details Vol.9, No.32, 2.10.03, p19
Publication Date 02/10/2003
Content Type

Date: 02/10/03

By Martin Banks

ONE of the EU's smaller institutions wants to change its name to help raise its profile.

The Economic and Social Committee, known as ECOSOC or simply the ESC, wants to be called the European Economic and Social Council instead.

The suggested name change is one of a number of recommendations it is putting to the intergovernmental conference (IGC) which begins its work in Rome this weekend, examining the draft of the proposed European constitution.

Martin Westlake, newly-appointed head of communications for the Committee, said the proposed change of name is seen as a key factor in raising awareness of the institution.

He said: “At present, there is nothing to distinguish the ESC from other economic and social committees which currently exist in many member states.

“The word committee also conjures up the wrong image so we'd like that changed to 'council'. The ESC is intent on revamping its image and having a more proactive role on the EU stage.”

EU leaders are also being urged to give the committee, which represents civil society organizations, a greater say in the Union's decision-making process.

A position paper to be submitted to the IGC welcomes the draft treaty produced by the Convention as a “milestone” in the Union's history and urges the member states not to “upset the balance” of the document.

But it also makes a number of criticisms of the Convention, stating that it should have included a reference to the promotion of high-quality public services and given more priority to the involvement of civil society.

The paper goes on: “A number of sections of the draft treaty do warrant being beefed up.

“Only modest progress has been made, for example, on economic, social and employment issues.”

The Brussels-based institution also criticises the draft constitution for not doing enough to bring citizens closer to EU decision-making, saying: “There were very high expectations among major European civil society networks and accession countries and there is a certain disappointment with its lack of content in this area.”

The 222-member committee is due to move from its current headquarters on Brussels' Rue Ravenstein to new offices on Rue Belliard in May next year.

  • Meanwhile, the European Ombudsman has called for the new treaty to include a “clear and comprehensive” system of non-judicial remedies for citizens.

Nikiforos Diamandouros, the Strasbourg-based watchdog, said: “The draft tells citizens what judicial remedies they can use to defend their rights under EU law, but does not mention the range of non-judicial remedies they have.

“Non-judicial remedies have the advantage of being free, flexible and fast when compared with going to court. Such an inclusion would be a real and visible achievement for citizens, who too often seem to be left on the sidelines of European integration.”

The Economic and Social Committee, also known as ECOSOC or the ESC, wants to be called the European Economic and Social Council instead. The suggested name will be considered by the Inter-Governmental Conference which began in Rome on 4 October 2003.

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