EC state aids. 2nd ed.

Author (Person)
Publication Date 1999
ISBN 0-421-61040-9
Content Type

E.C. State Aids, 2nd ed.:

This book aims to provide those engaged in the study or practice of European law with a comprehensive and detailed guide to Community law and practice on state aids. The first edition of the book attempted to fill what was then widely perceived to be a yawning gap in the existing literature in the English language on Community law. This second edition incorporates a considerable amount of updating as well as a certain amount of rewriting. Additional chapters have been added to offer more complete coverage and the original summaries of the Commission decisions have been shortened to make them more accessible to the reader. This book attempts to provide, in twenty one substantive chapters, a detailed analysis of the law on state aids as it currently stands, followed by a series of annexes and indexes. Part I of the book deals firstly with the general framework of Article 92(1) (now 87) EC and secondly with the automatic and discretionary exemptions provided under 92(2) and (3) (now 87). In compiling these chapters, reference has been made to the relevant Commission decisions as well as the jurisprudence of the Community Courts. Part II analyses Commission policy on aid to various sectors of the economy. These have been selected on the basis of current sectoral guidelines and frameworks as well as specific sectoral legislation. This second edition includes a chapter on aid to the agricultural sector. The sectoral analyses have been supplemented with the case law of the Community Courts. Part III deals with the major 'horizontal aid' frameworks, that is for regional aid, environmental aid and research and development aid. Part IV concentrates on the complex issues of procedure and remedies: there is a completely reworked chapter on procedures.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions