Eating at school – making healthy choices

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2005
ISBN 92-871-5574-7
Content Type

Our children’s eating habits and health is a matter of concern for us all in Europe and represents a huge challenge.

How could we fail to be moved by the significant increase in the number of children who do not eat a balanced diet, the most visible sign of which is the growing number of children who are obese? How could we disregard this trend, which not only affects the well-being of children, and of the future adults active in tomorrow’s society, but also raises significant concerns as to the long-term health implications and the cost to society?

One response to this complex situation lies in education and learning. Schools and professionals who contribute to schoolchildren’s well-being have an essential role to play in this respect.

Eating at school concerns two closely related aspects but which involve many different actors: acquiring healthy eating habits in general as part of healthy living and the food available in schools. The programme and debates of the forum “Eating at school – making healthy choices” reflected this situation and they are described in this comprehensive report which proposes subjects for reflection as well as possibilities for action.

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