Dutch aim to force pace on national vetoes

Series Title
Series Details 20/02/97, Volume 3, Number 07
Publication Date 20/02/1997
Content Type

Date: 20/02/1997

By Rory Watson

NATIONAL vetoes in more than a score of Union policy areas would be firmly guaranteed by the revised EU treaties under plans being championed by the Dutch government.

The Hague has identified 23 constitutional, internal market and taxation issues where it believes proposals for EU action should continue to require the unanimous approval of member states. They range from taxation and social security to the status of official EU languages and the accession of new member states.

The Dutch EU presidency hopes that agreement on the list will pave the way for more majority voting in other policy areas. It wants to end the current stalemate where a dozen member states have refused to show their hand and the UK is insisting on keeping the status quo.

The Hague has pinpointed 18 areas extending from residence and free movement rights to environmental programmes where it believes national vetoes could be abolished.

As the Union draws lessons from the BSE crisis, the Dutch suggest giving MEPs new legislative powers in the field of public and animal health in addition to various transport and internal market measures.

The proposals will be discussed by Union foreign ministers when they meet at the 40th anniversary celebrations for the EU's founding treaty next month.

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