Draghi backs Germany’s call for ‘currency commissioner’

Series Title
Series Details 29.10.12
Publication Date 29/10/2012
Content Type

EurActiv reported that European Central Bank Chief Mario Draghi backed in October 2012 a recent proposal by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble to radically expand the powers of the European Union's Monetary Affairs Commissioner, giving the European Commission greater control over EU Member States budgets.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/future-eu/draghi-backs-germanys-calls-curr-news-515719
Related Links
Spiegel Online International, 29.10.12: Interview with ECB President Mario Draghi. 'We Couldn't Just Sit Back and Do Nothing' http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/spiegel-interview-with-ecb-president-mario-draghi-a-863971.html
BBC News, 28.10.12: Draghi backs eurozone super-commissioner plan http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-20116668

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