Doing business with Serbia and Montenegro

Awdur (Person)
Teitl y Gyfres
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 2004
ISBN 0-7494-4142-9
Math o Gynnwys


This book is part of the Global Market Briefing series which provide a country-by-country information resource for international managers, analysts, entrepreneurs and consultants engaged in international business and market development. Situated on the borders of the enlarged EU, Serbia and Montenegro are positioned to serve as a natural logistic link between South Eastern, Central and Western Europe. They have a combined local market of 10 million people, and with the creation of the Southeast Europe (SEE) trade area businesses and investors based in Serbia and Montenegro will have easy access to a market of 60 million people.

The work is organised in six substantive parts plus a comprehensive section of appendices. Part one provides a general background, featuring chapters on topics such as the economy, foreign trade, international investment and business culture and regional politics. It also features a special interest chapter about the administrative barriers faced by new market entrants wishing to do business in Serbia and Montenegro. Part two takes a close look at the privatisation programme in Serbia, particularly the business opportunities arising from privatisation of the country’s banking and finance sector.

Part three examines the diversified regional economy on a sectoral basis. Industries covered include cars, textiles and food production together with the dynamic sectors of petroleum, furniture and building and construction, as well as electronics, timber, agribusiness, leather and footwear.

Part four deals with business legislation, business structures, taxation and the auditing and accounting professions. Part five goes on to explore specific commercial law issues such as property transactions, work permits and employment law, intellectual property, dispute resolution, import and export procedures and the measures taken by government to combat money laundering and other forms of corruption. Part six concludes by addressing the business environment in Montenegro.

The work will be useful to all those seeking to do business with Serbia and Montenegro.

Global Market Briefings are now published by GMB Publishing.

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