Divisions widen over costs of enlargement

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 11.6.02, p9
Publication Date 11/06/2002
Content Type

Report of discussions at the General Affairs Council, Luxembourg, 10 June 2002. European Union Foreign Ministers had in-depth discussion on enlargement related issues but failed to reach agreement on the issue of farm subsidies for future Member States from central and eastern Europe. A group of countries led by Germany has been arguing for a postponement of any decision which could lead to billions of dollars being paid to new members. Foreign Ministers will return to the issue at the General Affairs Council meeting on 17 June 2002 but it seems unlikely that agreement will be reached before the European Council in Seville on 21-22 June 2002. Dutch officials have suggested agreement may not be possible until the Copenhagen summit, in December 2002.

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http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=PRES/02/170&format=HTML&rapid=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=PRES/02/170&format=HTML&rapid=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
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