Series Title
Series Details 11/04/96, Volume 2, Number 15
Publication Date 11/04/1996
Content Type

Date: 11/04/1996

“Nobody seriously expects the ban to be lifted in six weeks' time.”

German Agriculture Minister Jochen Borchert predicting that the worldwide ban on UK beef exports will not be lifted when farm ministers meet at the end of April to consider British plans for a selective slaughter of cattle aimed at eradicating mad cow disease.

“Since the EU is prepared to support considerable costs in the fight against BSE in England, the least the British can do is to give up their rebate.”

Ingrid Matthaeus-Maier, finance spokeswoman for Germany's opposition Social Democrats, suggesting the UK should give up its EU budget rebate in return for the money pledged by Union farm ministers to help it combat mad cow disease.

“The model of a job for life will be reserved for just a few people.” French Labour Minister Jacques Barrot speaking at the G7 meeting on unemployment in Lille.

“The mood seems to me to be worse than the reality.”

Bundesbank President Hans Tietmeyer expressing optimism that economic conditions in Germany would improve this year.

“With this step, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has taken an important step on the way to being integrated into the international community.

This removes the last obstacle to recognition of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by the member states of the European Union.”

German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel welcoming the signing of a treaty normalising relations between federal Yugoslavia and FYROM (Macedonia).

“Those who bet on peace are making a good choice. All those who bet on hate, on reviving past struggles, are wrong and they will bear heavy responsibility.”

French President Jacques Chirac speaking after talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak which prompted calls from both men for a speedy resumption of the Middle East peace talks.

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