Series Title
Series Details 04/04/96, Volume 2, Number 14
Publication Date 04/04/1996
Content Type

Date: 04/04/1996

“If European solidarity can be shown on this problem, it can also show even those who do not believe in it that Europe can be of some use.”

Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene taking a side-swipe at the British Eurosceptics by expressing the hope that the Turin summit's response to the mad cow crisis might help to change attitudes towards Europe.

“I am sorry that some of my Eurosceptics were not here to see how generous you were today.”

UK Prime Minister John Major speaking after the Turin talks on the BSE crisis.

“You could say we are at the last chance saloon when it comes to establishing the architecture for the Union in the 21st century.”

Commission President Jacques Santer spelling out what is at stake in the Intergovernmental Conference.

“So far Maastricht One has failed to take German and European citizens along the path to further integration. This Europe has failed to become lodged in the hearts and minds of Germans and Europeans. We must do our utmost to overcome this Euro-fatigue.”

German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel speaking on his return from the summit.

“Europe is only meaningful if it is brought close to its citizens because the citizens are Europe.”

Italian Prime Minister Lamberto Dini speaking after chairing the summit.

“If heads of state and government feel Trans-European Networks do not make a sufficient contribution or are unnecessary, then they should give them up and not drag their feet and undermine confidence in the whole European venture because of their reluctance to put more money into TENs.”

European Parliament President Klaus Hänsch criticising EU governments for their opposition to diverting anticipated savings in the EU's farm budget into employment-generating schemes.

“If we don't set a target, if we don't focus on the question, we will always have problems reaching the goal.”

New Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson explaining why he believes a special chapter on employment should be written into the EU treaties.

“We all had veal for lunch and we all ate and enjoyed it.”

French President Jacques Chirac speaking after the Turin summit lunch.

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