Series Title
Series Details 13/06/96, Volume 2, Number 24
Publication Date 13/06/1996
Content Type

Date: 13/06/1996

“We are coming to the hour of truth ... We are going as far as the limit of our possible tolerance and all member states' tolerance.”

Commission President Jacques Santer warning the British government that its policy of non-cooperation was turning the rest of Europe against the UK.

“It is a serious mistake to underestimate the strength of the European economy and its trading weight ... The best cure for Euroscepticemia is a dose of common sense.”

Commission Secretary-General David Williamson hitting out at the current British “witch hunt” which pays no attention to the benefits of EU membership.

“The British are playing with fire. The more they block EU decisions, the more they run the risk of all the others lining up against them.”

Competition Commisioner Karel Van Miert warning that the UK's policy of non-cooperation could backfire.

“I have always believed the British to be level-headed. Now is the time.” Danish Foreign Minister Niels Helveg Petersen urging the UK government to drop its blocking tactics.

“How do we know which is charm and which is offensive?”

British Socialist MEP Ken Collins referring to UK Foreign Secretary Malcom Rifkind and Agriculture Minister Douglas Hogg and pouring scorn on their so-called 'charm offensive' - a tour of EU capitals aimed at winning the support of other member states for a 'framework' designed to bring about an end to the ban on British beef exports.

“There is no pleasant road for Sweden outside EMU.”

Swedish Finance Minister Erik Asbrink stressing that it would not be desirable for his country to be left out of the single currency zone and insisting it must do everything possible to meet the convergence criteria.

“The criteria will be changed if necessary. In my opinion, such a move would make sense so that the introduction of the new currency does not boost unemployment as a result of over ambitious savings programmes.”

Financial guru George Soros predicting that the EMU will go ahead as planned on 1 January 1999 but suggesting that the Maastricht convergence criteria may have to be softened.

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