Series Title
Series Details 06/06/96, Volume 2, Number 23
Publication Date 06/06/1996
Content Type

Date: 06/06/1996

“I am beginning to be fed up with all these arguments used for the effect of internal policy, for ideological purposes, and the hypocrisy behind them ... They can put as much political pressure on me as they want. That won't change a thing.”

Competition Commissioner Karel Van Miert attacking German calls for a new European cartel office and lambasting member states who publicly accuse the Commission of being too lax, but privately ask for understanding when their own firms are involved.

“What this sort of ding-dong argument between commentators needs is a good dose of Irish figures.”

Commission President Jacques Santer, speaking during a visit to Dublin, stressing the pursuit of economic integration would help rather than hinder the fight against unemployment and citing Ireland as a shining example of this.

“Don't let the Eurosceptics call the tune. The Conservative Party is not going to win the election by rabid anti-Europeanism. That will look like panic.”

British Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan urging the UK government to ease its policy of non-cooperation with the Union.

“The anti-European press in Britain is not even willing to print letters from the Commission correcting factual inaccuracies in their stories. They are impossible to deal with. It is as simple as that.”

Geoffrey Martin, head of the Commission office in London, commenting on coverage of EU affairs in British newspapers.

“The single market legislation ...

was mostly approved by qualified majority vote. How else can 15, or indeed 27, member states decide on complex legislation? Of course, each member state cannot win on every vote. But, on balance, all benefit from a system which has the capacity to act decisively.”

Foreign Affairs Commissioner Hans van den Broek underlining the need for an extension of majority votingn a speech to the Finnish Confederation of Industry.

“A chilliness can be observed amongst Europeans when it comes to helping developing countries.”

Development Commissioner João de Deus Pinheiro complaining of donor-fatigue in the EU.

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