Series Title
Series Details 01/08/96, Volume 2, Number 31
Publication Date 01/08/1996
Content Type

Date: 01/08/1996

“It was pretty ugly up there.”

One EU diplomat speaking after an acrimonious meeting of Union finance ministers where plans to slash 2.5 billion ecu off next year's EU budget were discussed.

“Building the house of Europe is the most important political goal.

It would be historical treason if we were content with German unification and did not strive for European unity.”

German Chancellor Helmut Kohl speaking during a recent visit to Austria.

“I believe that there will be a centre in the new Europe and that centre will be based on the countries that belong to monetary union...we want to be part of that centre.”

Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres arguing that the political benefits of membership of an eventual European 'hard core' even outweighed the economic advantages and the single currency would determine which member states formed part of that restricted circle.

“For us to opt out of the debate now would be a dereliction of responsibility.”

UK Prime Minister John Major rejecting calls from Eurosceptics in his own party for the government to rule out British entry into Economic and Monetary Union for the lifetime of the next parliament.

“These are not airy-fairy ideas for armchair philosophers about the shape of Europe. They are hard- headed practical steps to help Britain in Europe and improve the way the EU operates.”

UK European Affairs Minister David Davis unveiling British proposals for the reform of the fisheries policy and the European Court of Justice.

“Providing the responses is part of our actions which each month and each year bring us closer to the EU.”

Polish Foreign Minister Dariusz Rosati speaking after handing over his country's response to approximately 3,000 questions relating to Warsaw's bid for EU membership.

“I am more optimistic now than I was an hour ago.”

Kestler Heaslip, the Irish presidency's representative on Cyprus, speaking after a meeting with Glafcos Clerides during which, he said, the Cypriot president made it clear he was determined to find a solution to end the division of the island.

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