Series Title
Series Details 23/01/97, Volume 3, Number 03
Publication Date 23/01/1997
Content Type

Date: 23/01/1997

“It is crazy that we have to phone Stockholm to find out what is going on in the Council because Sweden sticks by its commitment to open government.”

Dutch Labour Group leader Hedy d'Ancona calling on her country to use its EU presidency to give a lead in opening up the work of the Council of Ministers to greater public scrutiny.

“There is no sense at all [in the fact] that we have different salaries for the same work. That would not be accepted in any workshop in the EU.”

Newly elected European Parliament President José María Gil-Robles calling for an EU statute for MEPs.

“I am here for the duration. I would not presume to re-enter British politics. The public would consider it a damned cheek. Comebacks are for Frank Sinatra.”

Transport Commissioner Neil Kinnock dismissing speculation that he would return to British politics if the Labour Party won the forthcoming general election.

“These proposals are not only irreconcilable with the text of the treaty. They are also extremely dangerous.”

Former German Bundesbank President Karl Otto Pöhl attacking French plans to curb the power of the future European Central Bank by creating a political counterweight to it.

“Don't damage Britain by engaging in a Dutch auction of Euroscepticism.”

Trade Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan warning British politicians against whipping up anti-European sentiment in the looming general election campaign, saying it could hamstring the UK in the Intergovernmental Conference negotiations on EU reform.

“Flexibility is something that should be used as a last resort, but not something that should be denied.”

Spokesman Klaus van der Pas outlining the European Commission's views on how the principle of flexibility could be applied, and stressing that member states should not be able to prevent others from going down that road.

“I guess I am going to do it.”

New Austrian Chancellor Viktor Klima reacting to the news that his predecessor Franz Vranitzky had resigned and named the 49-year-old finance minister as his chosen successor.

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