Devil in detail of new rights for victims of crime

Series Title
Series Details Vol 6, No. 34, 21.9.00, p6
Publication Date 21/09/2000
Content Type

Date: 21/09/00

JUSTICE ministers are set to approve plans to guarantee basic rights for victims of crime across the EU, but insiders question whether the proposed rules will improve standards in poor-performing countries.

Under the plan, all victims in the Union would have the right to be informed about the progress of prosecutions, to claim compensation and, in certain cases, to have their person and privacy protected.

The proposals also include special rules for those hit by crime while in EU countries other than their own, including the ability to lodge complaints when they get home and the right to interpreters when taking part in legal proceedings overseas.

Although Union governments have expressed a willingness to grant victims basic rights, officials say the devil will be in the details of what they agree at their meeting next Thursday

(28 September), with many key points still to be hammered out. "The real issue will be whether we are adopting something that is the lowest common denominator between member states or something that actually raises standards," said one.

Arguments over compensation are the biggest obstacle to an accord. The European Commission has proposed giving all victims the right to seek damages under criminal law. But some member states are opposed to this because compensation is a civil matter under their legal system.

Justice ministers are set to approve plans to guarantee basic rights for victims of crime across the EU, but insiders question whether the proposed rules will improve standards in poor performing countries.

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