Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, March 2001

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Publication Date March 2001
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Complete change for Europa home page

Users logging into the Europa website in early March 2001 ( were surprised to find themselves confronted by an unfamiliar screen. The Europa home page has a brand new image. After selecting your language version the key headings offered cover news, activities, institutions, Abc, official documents, information sources and What's new, with yellow buttons at the bottom of the page for About Europa, Search and Mailbox. The functionality seems to vary with different browsers. At the time of writing Netscape users can point at a heading and a detailed panel of contents appears in the middle of the screen. These are live links but the print is small so that it is difficult to aim and click correctly. With Internet Explorer the headings, though apparently live links, are not functioning but it is possible to scroll down the screen to the appropriate section. No doubt development work is still being done on the site and these issues will be resolved. Meantime if you encounter problems or have comments or suggestions to make, the Europa Web Team can be contacted by e-mail at

Debate on the future of Europe

Futurum is a new website devoted to promoting discussion on the future development of the EU. Launched to coincide with the opening of the debate on 7 March 2001 in Brussels, the site has links to events taking place at the EU level, at national, Parliament and government level and for the general public. Links are also provided to a Discussion Forum, the Swedish Presidency and Dialogue on Europe. The new portal has in fact grown out of the Dialogue on Europe initiative which was designed to run alongside the IGC 2000 to stimulate debate with members of the public. Dialogue on Europe will continue to be maintained until the “Future of Europe” portal is fully developed when the latter will take over. The new Futurum site was supported by the Heads of State or Government at the Nice European Council. Its aim is to facilitate contribution to discussion and it is planned to continue up to 2004. Views will be sought from a wide range of circles - business, political and academic as well public opinion, and the applicant countries will also be involved. Still at an embryo stage, this site should be a future source of useful data for researchers weighing the balance of opinions as well as for those wishing to participate in the debate.

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