Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, July 2000

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Publication Date July 2000
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It is a retrograde step that the very useful current awareness database RAPID has been relegated from Europa's “News” entry point. Previously, as well as direct links to the press releases of the various institutions, there was a clearly obvious link to RAPID in the top right corner. Changes have been made to the page with the right-hand column headed “Events and related information” and the left-hand column providing access to the press releases of the individual institutions. Now it is necessary to go one level further down by selecting the Commission in order to find the link to RAPID. This in itself is not strictly accurate. Although it is unfortunately true that the database does not include the press releases of all the institutions, it does cover more that just information released by the Commission. Surely it still merits a priority position on the “News” page?

Another obvious place to look for a link to RAPID might have been under the Europa's “ABC” heading in the area “sources of information”. The key official databases are listed with hyperlinks - but RAPID is not included. A few more mouse clicks away, it is however listed under EUR-OP's heading “On-line and off-line databases. What is rather surprising though is that the hyperlink there connects to the old address which requires the entry of a password.

Time for a “Restore the link” campaign? Meantime for those who previously relied on the handy link and have not bookmarked RAPID's home page, here is a reminder of the address. RAPID is still available and is updated daily at

OLAF, the European Ant-Fraud Office opened for business on 1 June 1999 and has now produced its first annual report available on its website. The Office's objectives are twofold: it seeks to protect the financial interests of the Communities and to fight against organised international crime as well as fraud. Its initial priority is improving transparency in the institutions and co-operation between member states. It does not aim to act as a substitute for the investigative services of the member states. Instead by offering support and assistance it hopes to bring about improved co-ordination and co-operation between national authorities. Its priorities, together with the relevant supporting legislation, are laid out in the mission statement on the main site at Press releases, the text of the first annual report and free phone contact details for anyone who has information to supply to OLAF are available at


Anyone seeking information on trade regulations should visit the revamped and enhanced website of the Directorate-General for Trade at It covers a wide range of issues form protectionism, trade barriers, subsidies, dumping and competition to procurement, dispute settlement, export loans, investment and intellectual property rights. New trade policy instruments are available as pdf files. There is access too to existing instruments, information on how to lodge a complaint, a list of cases with details of their investigation reports and agreed outcomes, a brochure on the role of the EU in the WTO and the EU's commercial policy, and the latest developments in the Millennium round of negotiations. The full trade information pack can be downloaded from the site. Speeches and articles are also mounted. The section on market access strategy offers a link to the Market Access Database which provides export information on trade barriers and tariffs, WTO and GATS information. Some sections of the database are however open only to the 15 EU member states. The database can be accessed directly at

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