Author (Person) | Hudson, Grace |
Publisher | Chadwyck-Healey Ltd |
Series Title | Developments in European Information Issues |
Publication Date | February 2000 |
ISSN | 0264-7362 |
Content Type | News |
EUDOR legislative content virtually complete The value of EUDOR as an electronic archive has improved considerably now that, with the exception of one year, the L series of the Official Journal is virtually complete. Only a few years of the C series remain to be added. Furthermore we can look forward to page at a time ordering coming soon. February 2000 is the projected date for this development. This will be an excellent tool in the armoury of information professionals as it will be possible to order simply the page with an image or table which it is not currently possible to obtain from CELEX on the web or EUR-Lex, rather than the full document. EUR-Lex: consolidated legislation and latest deliveries Consolidated legislation was previously produced both by the Commission's Secretariat-General and EUR-OP. The consolidated legislation from the Secretariat-General was mounted on EUR-Lex and appeared as a separate heading on the initial page of EUR-Lex. EUR-OP now has sole responsibility for consolidated legislation, which is still available via EUR-Lex but is now fully embedded in the Directory of Community legislation in force. Having traced the relevant piece of legislation searchers can choose to display the original text and the separate amendments or click on the “Consolidated” icon to display the consolidated text (where available) in pdf format. Access is offered separately to the cover page, preamble and consolidated provisions. Under the headings of Community legislation in force and preparatory documents, and subdivided into the twenty chapters of the analytical structure, EUR-Lex now offers the option “latest deliveries”. This gives access to the latest updates and should prove a useful feature for many. In the preparatory documents section too, links have been integrated to the European Parliament, Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions sites for access to preparatory documents other than proposals for legislation. Visit EUR-Lex at to try out the new features. |
Subject Categories | Culture, Education and Research |