Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, December 2001

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Publication Date 20/12/2001
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CORDIS training materials

CORDIS has produced a selection of training materials in the form of PowerPoint presentations which can be downloaded from its web site at The first presentation, in five parts, looks at how to navigate the site and gives an overview of the content and services. Additionally there are three modules covering how to find out about the current R+D Framework Programme, finding all you need to know before starting to prepare a proposal, and help in managing an EU funded project. Although the modules have been broken down into sub-sections, the files are large, eg 1.6 Mb, so they may take some time to download.

Business Incubators database

The Business Incubators database is a product of DG Enterprise, established in support of the Multi-annual Programme for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (2001-2005) with the aim of providing an overview of business incubators in the EU member states and the candidate countries, together with Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. It is expected that it will contain more than 950 entries by the end of 2001. Through the database innovators with new business ideas will be able to identify incubators to help them develop their intellectual seed-corn into products or services which are commercially and technically viable. It is also intended that networking amongst business incubators across Europe will be facilitated and that information will be more easily accessible to national, regional and local authorities.

The database can be searched free text or by selecting from defined lists under headings such as business sector, country or region. As an alternative to selecting from a list of countries, a map-based search is also possible. The references include full address, contact details and general information about the organisation. The database is still under development and is currently only available in English. To be added to the database, complete the online form. Additional information or amendments can be submitted by e-mail to while the database can be searched at

Support Measures and Initiatives for Enterprises

Like the Business Incubators database, DG Enterprise is also behind the Support Measures and Initiatives for Enterprises (SMIE) project. The aim here is to provide an integrated information resource on business support measures to help public authorities and other organisations involved in supporting businesses. To achieve that objective two databases - the Support Measures database and the Good Practice database have been established.

The Support Measures database is located at and claims to give an overview of the main business support measures in the 15 Members states plus the EEA countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), Switzerland and 6 candidate countries. However it is still under development and at present appears to contain only data on the 15 EU Member states, in English and in the original language.

The data can be accessed in a number of different ways. The overview facility generates a table of statistical data by country according to a range of criteria: type (eg information service, patents, copyright, finance etc); objectives (job creation, technology transfer, innovation, export strategy, etc); sector (manufacturing, transport, communications, etc); target (co-operatives, women-owned or operated enterprises, enterprises started by ethnic minorities, etc); and level of government (European, national, regional or provincial). The statistics are live links to the full details.

There is also a search facility which works in a number of ways. The simple search uses a straightforward search template which allows users to specify the measure name, select from a list of languages or countries, choose the appropriate business phase (eg start-up, growth, consolidation, transfer) or set annual budget limits, and start and end dates. The wizard search seeks to guide users through the search by offering a set of seven different search screens depending on how you want to approach the query. Click on the relevant tab to choose from general, types, sectors, target, regions, participants or objectives. There is also a free text search option which supports Boolean operators.

Alternatively users can download a directory of support measures for a specific country in a zipped Word or PDF file.

The Good Practice database at is intended to highlight examples of successful initiatives which could be adapted for use elsewhere. The search template allows users to specify criteria by selecting from drop-down menus or by entering terms such as the organisation's name.

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions