Developments in European information issues: Networks and relays – Services – Products, December 2001

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Publication Date 18/12/2001
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Spanish Presidency

Spotting the launch of the next Presidency web site is becoming rather like the first annual sighting of a swallow or the sound of the cuckoo. Spain's web site has arrived with a flourish of flying stars at in preparation for the country's six-month term of office. Available in Spanish, French and English, navigation looks straightforward and there is also a simple and advanced search engine for the site. Though the content is understandably still limited, a useful structure is in place to accommodate the documents to come. Priorities of the Presidency are enlargement and, of course, the euro, while the home page for the moment features prominently a link to information on the Laeken Council on the Belgian Presidency site. Judging by first impressions this promises to be a valuable resource for developments in the first half of 2002.

R-cade services suspended

R-cade, the Resource Centre for Access to Data on Europe based at the University of Durham, has announced that it is suspending its services with effect from the end of December 2001 due to funding difficulties and staff shortages. No doubt a major contributory factor has been the increasing availability of free statistical data on the Eurostat web site at The chances of resuscitation look slim. This is unfortunate given the in-depth information support provided by R-cade and the effort put into the negotiation of agreements for access to a wide range of data - more than just EU - since it was first established in 1995. It will be a loss in particular to the UK academic community which has benefited from a special arrangement for access to statistical data for research purposes. R-cade was part of the Datashop network, concentrating in particular on the supply of data in the various electronic formats. This now just leaves National Statistics as the sole UK Datashop. They can be contacted by e-mail at

Europe at your fingertips

This is the name of a new portal of information sources set up by the Commission Press and Information Service. It brings together on one site access to the different relays including National information centres on Europe (currently only in Paris, Lisbon and Rome), Info-Points Europe, Rural information carrefours, European Documentation Centres and more specialised networks such as EuroInfo Centres, Euroguichets, Team Europe and Europe Direct. There are links too to the web sites of Commission Representations in the member states. This has the potential to be a useful source not just for students, businesses and the public but for information professionals trying to signpost users accurately or contact colleagues. Entries include postal addresses, contact names, e-mail addresses and web site links. However its value depends on the accuracy of the contact details and from an initial browse it is clear that some need to be updated, so visit the site at and check what is posted about your service. Amendments can be e-mailed to

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