Author (Person) | Hudson, Grace |
Publisher | Chadwyck-Healey Ltd |
Series Title | Developments in European Information Issues |
Publication Date | April 2000 |
ISSN | 0264-7362 |
Content Type | News |
Time to update your Information Society bookmark Following the Commission reorganisation, the web pages giving information about the Directorates General are separate from the pages which give information about the subject areas they deal with. The Information Society's new website has now gone live at and users are reminded to update their bookmarks and web links accordingly. It includes information about policy issues such as the eEurope initiative and the creation of the .EU Internet domain, the IST Programme and Promise (Promoting the Information Society in Europe), research, speeches and publications. The Information Society DG site is at Keeping track of IGC developments The Intergovernmental Conference 2000 opened on 14th February. The IGC website at will be an essential source to keep up to date with developments and gain instant access to the key documents. Already a range of official documents and speeches are available under the heading 'Official contributions to the IGC' ( On the page 'Dialogue on Europe' at the Commission announces the opening of a public debate on institutional reform and the future of Europe, to be launched by President Romano Prodi on 8th March. From 1st March this web page will act as the focus for that dialogue. Further details of the launch of the IGC can be found in European Sources Online: In Focus 06/2000. EU Databases User Group meeting The EU Databases User Group will hold its next meeting at 2.30pm on 16 March 2000 at the European Parliament office, 2 Queen Anne's Gate, London. The programme will include a talk from Richard Hainebach of Ellis Publications and an opportunity to exchange views with other members over a glass of wine. Anyone who would like to attend should contact Membership Secretary Jill Speed by email at Europa survey Europa is currently conducting one of its online surveys to gain a detailed picture of exactly who its users are and why, when and how they consult it. It is also seeking comments on user satisfaction and looking for suggestions of new interactive services that people would like. If you have comments to make about Europa, now is your opportunity. Simply visit the Europa site and fill in the online questionnaire. History of European Integration Leiden University's History of European Integration site at has recently been revamped and is an excellent historical source. Wide-ranging and clearly laid out it includes information on useful sources and bibliographies, chronologies, articles, and historical documents. |
Subject Categories | Culture, Education and Research |