Developments in European company law. Volume 1/1996

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 1997
ISBN 90-411-0671-5
Content Type

Developments in European company law. Volume 1/1996:
'Developments in European company law' is published under the auspices of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies' Centre for Corporate Law and Practice. It brings together a number of papers on significant aspects of company law, corporate regulation and practice, and the related areas of securities regulation and insolvency law. The authors address such issues as the implementation of the Investment Services Directive, the role of the City of London as a European financial centre, the impact of developments in European company law and the derivative markets, and the European Convention on Insolvency Proceedings. The work also examines some topics of particular interest in English law, such as the management of conflicts of interest, parallel proceedings and minority shareholder protection.

It is intended that the title will become an annual series based upon papers presented at an annual colloquium organised by the Centre for Corporate Law and Practice of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies addressing recent issues and developments in company law and related matters.

Rider, Barry A.K./ Andenas, Mads (eds)
Developments in European company law. Volume 1/1996
Kluwer Law International, 1997
ISBN: 90-411-0671-5
Price: £68.00

Subject Categories
Countries / Regions