Declaration by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the Africa Peer Review Mechanism on the occasion of the meeting of the APR Forum (Heads of State and Government) in Addis Ababa on 28-29 January 2009

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details PRES/09/19 (29.1.09)
Publication Date 29/01/2009
Content Type

As the 29 participating Heads of State and Government gather in Addis-Ababa for the summit of the forum of the African peer review mechanism, the European Union would
like to express its full support to the APRM process.
The EU fully acknowledges and respects the African-owned and African-led nature of the APRM process. With 9 out of 29 countries reviewed, and national dialogues that opened significant space for all stakeholders to discuss public policy, the African Peer Review Mechanism is a remarkable success. The national discussions and elaborations of Programmes Of Action (POA) constitute an internal governance process that is in itself a positive result. The
challenge now is a successful implementation of the POAs, including their participatory dimension.

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