De Roo: solar and wind power the way forward

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Series Details Vol.8, No.30, 1.8.02, p13
Publication Date 01/08/2002
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Date: 01/08/02

By Martin Banks

THE Johannesburg summit will be a success only if politicians accept that the world's dwindling natural resources must be conserved by turning to alternative sources of energy, says a leading Green MEP.

Alexander de Roo, deputy chairman of the environmental committee, will be pressing for the increased use of solar and wind power to be given a top priority at the event.

'The eyes of the world will be on Johannesburg,' said de Roo, one of a 19-strong delegation of MEPs attending the summit.

'It will not be enough for world leaders to come up with lots of fine speeches.Their fine words must be backed up with action and that means greater use of alternative forms of energy.'

De Roo says the stage is set for a fierce political battle between those, such as Germany and the Scandinavian and Benelux countries, which advocate greater use of renewable energy, and others, such as France, which favours the nuclear power option.

'One of the most important challenges facing the summit is to separate the issue of economic growth from the use of scarce natural resources,' said de Roo.

'There are 1.5 billion people in the world - one quarter of mankind - who still have no access to electricity.

'Instead of using fossil fuels, which cause pollution, or nuclear power, with all its attendant dangers, our delegation will be pressing for the summit to consider solar energy as a viable option.'

He concedes that the various forms of renewable energy do not necessarily come cheaply but insists that the long-term benefits far outweigh any short-term misgivings.

'I accept that solar energy is more expensive but it is a cleaner and more environmentally friendly option than the continued use of fossil fuels,' he said.

'If the summit is going to be serious about reducing greenhouse gases it has to accept that there is a financial implication.

'We have somehow simply got to find the money needed to deal with this issue or face the prospect of increased global warming.'

De Roo, who represents the Netherlands, also says the European Commission should decide where it stands on the issue.

'On the one hand, you have people like [Commission Vice President] Loyola de Palacio, who leans towards the nuclear approach, and on the other, [environment chief] Margot Wallström who believes that renewable energy is the way forward,' said de Roo.

'Clearly, the Commission is as divided on this as EU member states.'

  • The Greens/European Free Alliance is sending a 19-strong delegation to the summit, almost half of its MEPs.

These include joint leader, Monica Frassoni, Nelly Maes, Inger Schörling, Heidi Hautala, Patricia McKenna, Jillian Evans, Hiltrud Breyer, Marie Isler Béguin, Camilo Román Nogueira and Per Gahrton.

The Johannesburg summit will be a success only if politicians accept that the world's dwindling natural resources must be conserved by turning to alternative sources of energy, says leading Green MEP Alexander de Roo. Article is part of a European Voice survey on sustainable development.

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