Daniel makes his position clear

Series Title
Series Details 29/02/96, Volume 2, Number 09
Publication Date 29/02/1996
Content Type

Date: 29/02/1996

Daniel Guéguen, secretary-general of the highly-influential farmers' and farm cooperatives' unions COPA and COGECA has sent a letter to every member organisation denying rumours that he has his eye on the job of UNICE Secretary-General Zygmunt Tyszkiewicz.

Apparently, Guéguen's letter was prompted by several phone calls congratulating him on his new post - as well as some accusing him of betraying agriculture.

In case he was missing something, Guéguen called Tyszkiewicz to establish that the latter had no intention of quitting UNICE. He then circulated the letter which not only denied he wanted to leave the job, but also rejected accusations of overspending the COPA-COGECA budget.

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