Damning report on Israel still relevant

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Series Details Vol.11, No.45, 15.12.05
Publication Date 15/12/2005
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By Andrew Beatty

Date: 15/12/05

The EU this week sought to justify its decision not to publish a damning report on Israel's actions in east Jerusalem produced by its diplomats in the region.

Foreign ministers on Monday (12 December) decided not to endorse or publish the report which accused Israel of working against a two-state solution and of attempting to annex east Jerusalem.

Faced with criticism from Palestinians and human rights groups, diplomats insisted that the contents of the document remained relevant even if ministers decided not to make them public.

In an attempt to counter accusations of bowing to Israeli pressure, a statement is expected to be made by heads of state and government at the European Council which begins in Brussels today (15 December).

"What is happening [in east Jerusalem] is very serious," said one diplomat whose country backed the report, "the report is not going to just be put in the drawer."

She added that Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief, was expected to travel to the region during the weekend and the report "will be in his back pocket".

Solana is expected to visit the EU's border assistance mission at Rafah, the major crossing between Gaza and Egypt, where the EU is overseeing operations.

A spokesperson for Solana indicated that the issue was still on the agenda, despite ministers distancing themselves from the report.

"There was a statement made at the GAERC [foreign ministers meeting] and there are likely to be some Council conclusions," said the spokesperson.

Meanwhile human rights groups urged the EU to press their objections home.

"East Jerusalem has been annexed to Israel, this annexation is illegal and that is the position shared by the international community," said Sarit Michaeli of the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem.

"We believe that friends of Israel should point Israel in the right direction and encourage Israel to fulfil its obligations under international conventions."

But Mark Regev, the spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the decision not to endorse the report. He said: "There has been a substantive improvement in EU-Israel relations over the last two to three years. At the same time there has been a more even-handed approach on the part of the EU and a more tangible influence on the peace process, exemplified by the EU's presence in Gaza.

"There was an impression that the EU would come down on the other side. We are thankful that there is now some positive momentum," he added.

Speaking on Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said that publication of the report would not be appropriate in the run-up to Israeli and Palestinian elections.

Israelis are expected to go to the polls on 28 March. Jerusalem has become a major political issue ahead of the polls with Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu attacking Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for planning to divide the city.

EU Foreign Ministers decided on the 12 December 2005 not to endorse a report critical of Israeli attempts to annex East Jerusalem.

Source Link http://www.european-voice.com/
Related Links
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 12.12.05: General Affairs and External Relations Council (External Relations), Brussels, 12 December 2005 (PRES/05/318) http://consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms_Data/docs/pressData/en/gena/87503.pdf

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